Seventh-day Adventist® Church

Leighton Buzzard SDA Church We are a Seventh-day Adventist fellowship group located at Leighton Buzzard among local community


Books of the Bible

The Bible was written over a period of about 1500 years and is comprised of 66 books.

  • 39 in the Old Testament
  • 27 in the New Testament

The Bible books were written by about 40 authors on the continents of Africa, Asia and Europe. Besides the New and Old Testaments, the 66 books of the Bible are divided into sections or themes as follows. Please note: these divisions are not divinely inspired and each reader, historian or theologian often separates the books differently.

Old Testament

Books of Moses

Books of History

Books of Poetry

Major Prophets

Minor Prophets

New Testament

The Gospels


Paul’s Letters

Other Letters
